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10 steps of the YouStrive Mental training Journal

Here is a quick overview of the 10 steps of the YouStrive process. The journal goes into more detail and guides your players through every step.
Step 1

Set an ultimate goal

Players set a long-term goal to strive for
Step 2

Set a season goal

They set a goal for the season ahead to help motivate them, day in day out
Step 3

Commit to an elite attitude

They commit to an elite set of attitudes for different sporting scenarios
Step 4


They Identify some attacking moments of their game they want to improve on
Step 5

Defensive moments

They identify some defensive moments of their game they want to improve on
Step 6

Train moments

They physically train each of these moments to improve their ability and performance
Step 7

Mental rehearsal

They follow a mental rehearsal routine customised to the chosen moments
Step 8

Mindfulness routine

They Follow a Mindfulness Routine before training and games to calm their nerves and help get into the zone to maximise performance.
Step 9

Reflect on performances

They reflect on every training session and every game to learn from both success and failure
Step 10

Progress review

They review their progress throughout the season and make adjustments to their plan as required